
Showing posts from 2018

When The World Doesn't Choose You...

 I was sitting in the Dacus Library at Winthrop when I started working on my reflection for a class. I began to type out my response to a question on the desktop computer when I found myself typing out, "You don't have to be chosen by them because you are chosen by me. "  Even when I am not focused on Him, He is focused on me...always. It was the weirdest thing because I wasn't even thinking in that moment about God (absolute truth).  I wasn't reading my Bible, praying, or listening to my "Jesus Jams" playlist on Spotify. I was working on homework, and my mind was set on finishing these lesson plans and reading reflections that keep piling up one after the other. --Reality.  If I am being honest, I have been in a spiritual slump. You know exactly what I am talking about. It's when you feel like God is NO WHERE to be found, but you KNOW in your soul that He is so near. Your faith in Him surpasses those lies that say, "God left you and

God Met Me in Walmart.

If anyone struggles with depression and anxiety, it definitely is not a joke. I can laugh and say “I am depressed”, but in reality it is actually me screaming from the inside out that I feel so alone and confused. For a really long time, I have been stuck in a very dry and draining season of my life. It feels like I am drinking salt water without knowing it. My soul desires for living water, but it keeps getting deceived by salt water. At 20 years old, I have never felt more like a sojourner then right now. This in-between season of life is so hard. You have graduated the teenage phase, moved on from high school, and your parents’ house, but you do not have a career, full time job with a steady income, or a place to call your own. You feel stuck. You feel like every decision you make is the wrong one. This has been me for a while. When you are isolated like this, the devil makes his move. He enters your mind to kill, steal, and destroy your every good thought about life. He wants