
Showing posts from July, 2018

God Met Me in Walmart.

If anyone struggles with depression and anxiety, it definitely is not a joke. I can laugh and say “I am depressed”, but in reality it is actually me screaming from the inside out that I feel so alone and confused. For a really long time, I have been stuck in a very dry and draining season of my life. It feels like I am drinking salt water without knowing it. My soul desires for living water, but it keeps getting deceived by salt water. At 20 years old, I have never felt more like a sojourner then right now. This in-between season of life is so hard. You have graduated the teenage phase, moved on from high school, and your parents’ house, but you do not have a career, full time job with a steady income, or a place to call your own. You feel stuck. You feel like every decision you make is the wrong one. This has been me for a while. When you are isolated like this, the devil makes his move. He enters your mind to kill, steal, and destroy your every good thought about life. He wants