
Showing posts from July, 2017

11 Reasons Why You Are Going To Be Okay.

Let's be is hard.  Life was not meant to be a straight path that comes with no pain or suffering. It is a life of hills and valleys, and when we find ourself in a valley, our thoughts, speech, and actions are not always of God  or for God. When God is all we can think about, those valleys will seem so small. When we desire a relationship with Him, those pits of sin will never be able to hold us down. God is the daily joy that we have and can relish in. Here's 11 reasons why you're going to be okay. You are not alone. You are redeemed. You are strong through Jesus. You have worth. You are not broken or beat down too much for Jesus. You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the Earth.  You are a temple and dwelling place. You are apart of Christ's body. You are a citizen of Heaven.  You are loved and cared for.  Whatever you need today you will find only in Jesus Christ. Realize that God sees more in you than you c