
Showing posts from July, 2019

God Met Me In Dunkin' Donuts

Yes, it happened again. God met me where I was...just like He always does.  I was sitting at a table at Dunkin' Donuts catching up on some Bible reading for the Chronological plan I am doing with some friends, and I noticed a young boy with glasses staring at me (how cute!). I continued reading and taking some notes...the next thing I knew he was standing next to my table and began to start a conversation with me.  It started with, "Hi there. How are you doing? I saw you reading your Bible. What are you reading?"  I told him that my friends and I are reading through the Bible chronologically and we are working our way through 2 Chronicles right now.  He was intrigued and continued asking me about myself with questions like, "Are you from Rock Hill? What do you like to do for fun? Do you go to church around here? and more." I told him that I was a student at Winthrop and I am working with young Chinese students at a summer camp right now.  Th