God Met Me In Dunkin' Donuts

Yes, it happened again. God met me where I was...just like He always does. 

I was sitting at a table at Dunkin' Donuts catching up on some Bible reading for the Chronological plan I am doing with some friends, and I noticed a young boy with glasses staring at me (how cute!). I continued reading and taking some notes...the next thing I knew he was standing next to my table and began to start a conversation with me. 

It started with, "Hi there. How are you doing? I saw you reading your Bible. What are you reading?" 

I told him that my friends and I are reading through the Bible chronologically and we are working our way through 2 Chronicles right now. 

He was intrigued and continued asking me about myself with questions like, "Are you from Rock Hill? What do you like to do for fun? Do you go to church around here? and more." I told him that I was a student at Winthrop and I am working with young Chinese students at a summer camp right now. 

Then he said the best thing I think I have ever heard, "That is so cool. I am a young evangelist, (He probably was around 11-12 years old) and I love to talk to people. I think I am really good at being able to talk to people because I try to relate to them." 

This young boy told me that he had a friend that was of the Hindu religion, and he is trying to share the gospel with that friend. I told him how awesome that was of him to do and that I also have a friend of a different religion that I am trying to share the gospel with. ~ He began to encourage me and tell me ways that I could share the gospel. 

GOD IS AMAZING. How amazing it is to see that God is using all of his people...young and old to make Himself known. I was so blown away with the boldness this young boy had to come up to a complete stranger in Dunkin' Donuts and speak about Jesus. This MADE MY DAY. 

When his younger brother came in to get him, he said to me, "Savanna. It was so good to meet you, and I just want to encourage you to keep praying and reading your Bible. God loves you." Then he asked if he could give me a hug, and I was overwhelmed with God's love for me and for this young boy. God is still moving and working. He is still after His people, and He loves his children. 

Lately, I have been feeling a sense of anxiousness about the opportunities before me in my life. I have been confused about my stage of life and why my life looks different than those around me. I have been constantly praying for souls to be saved and that God would push me to be more bold and not afraid about rejection at any level. I've been struggling with the concept that I cannot save the people before me. I want so badly for people to know Jesus as Lord and Savior of their life. 

~ Maybe you're like me and you tell God how awesome it would be to just get a hug from him or to be held and FEEL His love. (Sometimes you truly don't feel anything and you feel stagnant - despite knowing the truth that He is with you and loves you - that's reality) Just before this young boy came up to me, I literally just had read Micah 7:7 "But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me." As I held onto this truth.....

God met me at that table in Dunkin' Donuts to remind me that He hears me. He sees my efforts. He sees my whole self. He knows me. 

He loves me, despite me. 

In the same way, God sees you today. He hears your pleas. He does not ignore your prayers at 1:30am. He does not forsake you or leave you behind. He finds you where you are, and He sustains you through fire. God is your rock and salvation! Don't ever forget it....and if you ever do, I'm sure He will send you loving reminder because He is that good of a Father. 

I cannot thank him enough for that young boy. 


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