He Smiles.

Do you ever wonder what God is doing, like at this moment? I constantly ask myself that question mostly because God is fascinating, and I'm nosey. There is so much to Him that I haven't discovered yet, but each day I strive to know more. What is God feeling when He looks at me? What is He thinking? Every time I ask these questions, I cannot help but see an image of God smiling.

Sister, God smiles when He sees you and when He thinks of you. Brother, God smiles when He sees you and when He thinks of you. Do not doubt His love and passion for you. He smiles because you are His, and He is proud of you. You are serving a great God who gives you the strength to face every day with a humble heart and a determined spirit during the hard times. God smiles when He hears your prayer because you are special to Him. It's so awesome to know that you are cared for, even when the world fails you. 

You should smile too.

Find joy in the small things. God wants us to be happy and flourish through Him. It is so sad to see people who are so blessed in many different ways, but they still are unhappy. Create positivity and be the positivity. God created you in His own image. That is something to smile about. 

When you can see the small pieces of joy in your life, then you will begin to find joy in everything. Feel God's joy and make it yours. He tells us in Psalm 47:1 to, "Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy." Sister and Brother, do not stop shouting about our God's name, our God's love, and our God's power to save and heal! He deserves every ounce of our heart's praise. If you continue to do this, you will be able to smile, and your heart will be flooded with the Lord's delight.

There is always something you can smile about.


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