You're the marrying type.

I spent years waiting and watching...

I thought it was my fault.

Everyday, during middle and high school, I looked in the mirror and thought, "What can I do differently today that I haven't done yet? How can I do my hair different? Will he like it curly or straight? Is this shirt tight enough? Will he notice my efforts? Will he notice me at all?"---In those years, I watched all of my friends find boys and enter the world of love, but I was not included. I spent nights crying over boys that didn't even know I existed. You may think that this is so cliche, but it's true. Girls spend majority of their time thinking about what they can do to impress the opposite sex. We try everything from a new hair cut, a new hair color, new clothes, or even a new personality. We will totally change who we are just to get them to turn their heads. I thought it was my fault that the boys didn't like me in "that way"...What did I not have that the other girls had?...Well, I know what I do have...
  1. Respect for myself
  2. Morals
I did not want to be the girl who gave up everything about myself just to please a boy. I respected that my body is a temple and it is a sanctuary for the Lord. I knew that God wanted me to stay pure, so that is what I did. I am not a "public park" and never will be...I am a "secret garden". I created morals for myself that hold me accountable for my actions. ---Girls, just because you have respect for yourself and you have morals that you are standing strong on doesn't mean that you get to blame yourself. You have done nothing wrong. If boys are incapable of understanding your spiritual maturity. That's okay.

You're not the dating type.

You're the marrying type. Because you have respect for yourself and you have morals, the "boys" are scared of you. Boys are only interested in the fast and easy relationship, and they are only looking out for their selfish needs. ---Personally, the only "serious" relationship I was concerned about (and still concerned about) was my relationship with Christ. During my sophomore year of high school, I found my true identity in Christ. I became on fire for God, and I wanted everyone to know Him. Long story short, during my junior and senior year of high school, I was the Crusaders On Campus president---the best thing I have ever experienced. Every day I was growing closer to God and learning about Him and striving to be the woman He wanted me to be, BUT I still struggled with not having a boyfriend or any interest from boys. I began to think and pray, "God, I'm trying to be your servant, but I'm in desperate need of someone to serve with." How selfish of me, right? God was opening doors and opening hearts through COC, and I was still fawning over the fact He hadn't sent me someone. As I watched the boy I liked for many years date other girls, I became heart broken. I just couldn't realize why he didn't like me, but then God showed me that I was not the dating type. He revealed to me that I am never going to be the girl he calls at midnight. I am not the girl who he runs to after the others have turned him down. 

I am the woman a Godly man needs. 

I am the woman that will always be there. I won't leave when times get tough. I am the woman that he will be thrilled for his momma to meet. I am the woman that he wants his children to be raised by. I am the woman that will pray for him everyday. I am the woman that will encourage him to make the right choices. I am the woman that will encourage him to go to church and be the Godly man he has been called to be. I am the woman who will honor my husband, like Sarah did Abraham. You are that woman too. Do not fret because the boys do not want to date you. You are the marrying type. You're the woman a man will be proud to call his wife. Keep the faith, and do not give in. Stay pure, and wait for the Godly man who will cherish and respect you. 


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