Finding My Identity

Who do I identify with?

One of the hardest things in life is finding yourself and who you are meant to be, and if you do not know who you are, it's tough to find people to relate to. Identity is apart of our daily lives even if we do not realize it. ---For example, to get into your dorm building, you have to have your "ID card"...or even think about it this way. At birth, we are given a social security number. This is how our state and great country, USA, identifies us; we are just a row of numbers. In sports, you have a number on the back or front of your jersey. This is how the referees and score keepers identify you. Don't you want to be more than that? I do. I am. 

A new perspective...

Today, a new perspective on who I am as a person occurred to me during our Sunday service here at Winthrop. In the book of Luke, Luke, a doctor and Gentile Christian wanted the Gentiles to hear the true details about the life of Jesus. In chapter 4, Luke talks about Jesus' temptation from Satan, and how Jesus was completely hungry and starving in His 40 days in the desert. The devil first tried to tempt Jesus with His own power saying, "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread (Luke 4:3)." Jesus, in His perfect glory says to the devil, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone' (Luke 4:4)." Notice that Jesus says MAN. Jesus identifies Himself to us...mankind. As a human, Jesus could have gone off on Satan or worshipped him, BUT as one with God, Jesus stood up for His people. 

Who am I?

If you feel like no one has your back or looks out for you, Jesus, the Son of God does. Before you were born, Christ stood before temptation, and identified with you. He makes it clear that we as God's people are to "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only (Luke 4:8)." We all together are to stand before God with the identity of His children. We no longer have to search for our identity in sports or other things; we have a true place and meaning in the world. Embrace your identity in Christ because He embraced you on the cross.

Jesus is our identity. He is what brings us to God. So, if you feel as you are so lost, and you cannot find your way or who you are...look to Jesus. Find yourself and your purpose in Jesus. He is your friend, comforter, and guidance. In Christ alone, you are called God's children...There's your ID card that was missing; Jesus found it. 


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