A little bit of chocolate and a whole lot of Jesus.

There are days where I feel like everyone and everything is against me. How about you? I wake up, and an overwhelming feeling of desolation and disappointment fills my mind and soul. I find myself acting discouraged over everything. For example, I act depressed because...my hair is not doing what I want it to do...my face starts to break out...my friends don't include me...or my mom bought the wrong type of pop tarts at the grocery store (LOL). When we are in a slump, we let our surroundings control our mood and happiness. We have to stop allowing that to happen.

So far, in my 18 years of life, I have found two things that help me rise above my depression:

  1. JESUS
  2. Chocolate

We cannot change what has happened to us.

Just like you cannot take back or change the amount of calories you just took in by eating that big slice of chocolate cake (have no regrets), you cannot change the struggles you have been going through. Know that God puts us in situations and trials to show us our need for Him. He wants us to depend on His strength and might. For me personally, I found myself searching hard for an understanding of why God took all of my grandparents from me before I was born and when I was 10 and 12. That is truly the toughest thing I have ever had to go through. As I grew older, I begin to notice how much I took my grandparents for granted. In my lowest moments, I think about all the times I could have called them on the phone or visited them, but that only makes it worse. I tried to fight God on it and put all the blame on Him, but I realize now that it is no ones fault. Death is a part of life that everyone experiences. In my selfish mind, I tried to tell God, the almighty creator, that His plan was wrong and that He was so awful for leaving me empty-handed. Was I really empty-handed? No! God showed me how blessed I actually was. He revealed to me the many different people that have stepped in and loved me like their own granddaughter. Also, God showed me that in the face of adversity, you do two things: DON'T PANIC and trust in Him. So, when you find yourself trying to fix everything that has happened to you, step back and let go. If you allow your worries and hardships to control you, you will always be miserable. Whenever you are in a bad place or feel alone, picture yourself in the arms of Jesus like the photo above. This really helps me feel His holy spirit consuming me and showing me His love.

Pslam 28:7 says...

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped."

Control what you can control.

God is our strength. His strength is ours. You have the advantage over your deepest enemy, deepest guilt, deepest pain. Because of your trust in God, you will never be shaken. You are a firm tree planted and rooted in the palm of God. In your daily life, you make choices. Choices that may be bad for you...too much chocolate...and you make choices that are good for you...being kind to others. Let me be the one to tell you that THE BEST choice you could ever make in your short life on earth is accepting Christ as your savior. He surpasses all understanding. He shows us that we cannot control what has happened, but we CAN control the way we go about our suffering and circumstances. You can control the way you treat others and the way you act. 

So, eat some chocolate (or a lot of chocolate), and control the controllable through your trust in God.



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