3 Reasons Why I'm A Christian

The word "Christianity" did not make me a Christian; Jesus Christ's love for me did. 

I grew up in a "Christian" home. You know, going to church every Sunday and Wednesday, praying at every meal, and attending VBS in the summers. I was in the perfect position to become a Christian, and I did at the age of 7. I was so thrilled to finally be a Christian. I was excited to go to church, and God had given me this passion for Him, but that thrill started to fade when the world showed me that it was not a fan of Christianity. 
Baptismal at 7 years old

Because I was so young, when bad things started to occur in my life, I let the world steal my happiness, and I fell into a deep trap of the world's lies. I allowed the world to make me doubt my delight and satisfaction I had with God at 7 years old.---At 7 years old, you don't have a worry in the world, but as you grow older, our human nature brings doubt to the surface. I doubted the glory and peace of God because all around me was suffering. It was my mind playing tricks on me. I began to wonder, "Why am I a Christian if all I feel is suffering?" I thought Christianity was going to be a world full of bliss constantly and all the time. It is not. It is hard. There are times when I think about if I should just stop...if I should just live like the world and go along with the crowd, but the restoration and the faith I have in God is bigger than all of it. 

So now, as a warrior in Christ, I share with you 3 reasons of why to continue on as a Christian...

  1. We have peace with God.
  2. We have received the grace from God.
  3. We have been given a pure joy from God.
My pastor shared these 3 reasons with me recently, and they will forever stick with me. You see, as a Christian we have been given a peace WITH God through Jesus' sacrifice. The justification of Christ gives us peace and salvation with God forever. No one or nothing can take that away from you. But, realize that the peace OF God can be taken away from you. That is something we allow ourselves to lose because we doubt and we run away. Stand firm in your peace with God, and allow that to inspire you to continue on.

The one thing we will never be able to accomplish on our own is redemption, but grace is our gift. So, we should be thankful. This grace given by God is a reason why we should always cherish being a Christian. We are given a gift that will never be taken away. The first 6 letters in the name "Christian" is CHRIST. There is the number one reason why being a Christian is awesome. I have a forever friend and love in Christ because of the grace he supplies me with.

Lastly, as a Christian, God tells us that we have pure joy in Him. He is the reason why we can go about suffering and smile and remain hopeful. I love the word "pure" because it means we have an authentic and perfect joy in Christ. No one or nothing can take that joy away. God promises us a delightful future and present if we choose Christ. Our purest joy can be seen through our faith and what we have to look forward to. 


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