Yes and Amen.

Doubt seeps into the cracks of my spirit, but Jesus fills in the gaps of my heart with His love.Doubt, the feeling of uncertainty, takes captive of my mind, but Jesus' truth destroys every thought. Doubt shakes me, but Jesus holds me still with his nail-pierced hands. I have been given a sure peace that consumes me, but doubt still creeps into my mind. 

Why do I question my Father? Why do I question His goodness? Why do I question if He has plucked me from His hand after He already showed me His mercy? When you feel swamped in doubt, go back to God's promise to Noah in Genesis 9:13-15.

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all the living creatures of every kind."

God remembers us.

Hold fast to the promises God has given us and continues to give us. He never forgets about His people, and as we speak, he is preparing a place for us where we cannot even begin to fathom its glory. God is apparent in your life whether you realize it or not. He chooses to give you each breath and every waking moment. God watches your every step and guides you throughout the day. God gives us peace and comfort when we rest our heads at night. Even in the littlest things we can imagine, God is there and He always has been. It is our doubtful nature that stirs the thought of abandonment. Our human mind creates an atmosphere of uncertainty, but God creates a spirit of clarity. 

Psalm 16:8

"I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."

A lot of times we say we are focused on Jesus, but are we really? It is very easy for us to be distracted by certain aspects of the world (money, other relationships, materialistic things, etc.), but with our hearts set on Jesus, we have everything we could ever want or need. Let nothing that surrounds you take your concentration away. No doubt or object in the world can exceed what Jesus Christ did for you and me at Calvary. His blood is sufficient and rich in love. His blood is enough. 

We all go through times of feeling abandoned, but the only abandonment that we should feel is with our sinful self. Deny yourself and follow Jesus wholeheartedly, so when grief or chaos comes your way, you will not be shaken. Stand firm in your cornerstone, Christ Jesus. He is our foundation who holds us still. When you can't find the words to say, just answer with, "Yes and Amen." Know in your heart that you are in His arms and He will not let you go. Hold fast to God's promises, for He is father and our God forever more. 


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