The Perfect Utopia

My utopia is...

...the heaven that is promised to me by God. Everything it is represents a pure depiction of my utopia. 

As I walk on the streets of gold beside my one true friend and Lord, Jesus, I see and feel pure joy. I hear the sounds of the saints’ beautiful voices and the noises of the animals lifting up praise to God, exalting his name. My focus has changed. I now can purely focus on the simple things, like hearing my foot steps and God’s powerful yet gentle voice speak to me. 

My utopia is love. There is no separation of classes by skin color or financial status; we are one in the eyes of God. We are his children. There is no evil. We live in the perfection and holiness of God. 

I feel God’s love. I feel Jesus holding me; his physical pierced hands grab mine, and I feel him reach out to me. I see God’s throne. I now can understand his dominion and perfect character. The blinders escape from my eyes and I see his glory. I see the sun shine down on the one true son of God as he walks in his robe with a purple shawl. I feel elated that I am no longer separated from my loved ones who have gone before me. 

My utopia is blissful. It is everything that I look forward to one day. For Christians who put their faith in Christ as their personal savior this utopia becomes true and real. This is why I have hope on the hard days and when others disappoint me. Jesus is my utopia. 

 What is your perfect world? 

The best car or house? The perfect GPA? The best body? A perfect relationship with a guy or girl? 

Let's change our focus. Return your eyes to what is true and what is righteous. Let your utopia be the promises of God, your future through Christ. 


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