Sister, Don't Settle For Less.


When will you realize that parts of your body is not for others to see? 

I think that our society tells us that in order to get the "likes" on Instagram, we have to stick our body parts out and flaunt what was intended to be a secret garden. Yes, a secret garden. Song of Soloman Chapter 4 verse 12 says:

"You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain."

Most of us have gone through True Love Waits...maybe because our parents wanted us too, but did we ever think about what God wanted us to do? God designed us to be secret gardens to embody His own pureness and beautiful being. 

It breaks my heart to scroll on social media outlets and see my fellow sisters and friends exploiting their natural beauty with extensive makeup and vulgar outfits that don't represent the purity of God's love and affection for us. 

If you read Song of Solomon (other translations may be Song of Songs), you will see how precious King Solomon's woman is to him. God uses this love story to demonstrate how precise He created us to be. There is no flaw in us, but we have begun to distort God's intention for our outer being. 

You see, it is human nature to desire love and affection from other humans. We were created to love, but how sad it is that we lack  love for our creator. The one who intended for us to be whole and pure in Him desires a fulfilling relationship with us, but we are instantaneous and we overlook the fact that THROUGH FAITH we can have never ending love and fulfillment for eternity. 

Sister, you are not a public park. 

God put quality work, time, and love into designing you. You were not an accident or made by a mistake. You were created with purpose and intentional hands. You were crafted to do wonders in the name of Jesus. Do not settle for less by exploiting your body to feel a sense of worth in the eyes of other humans because they will ALWAYS fail you. God loves you so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to rid you from and of impurities. 

Respect yourself enough to know that you are respectable and cherished by God, creator of all things. You are worth more than anything in the eyes of God. How precious you are, sister. Don't forget whose you are! 


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