Who is it for?

I'm that girl who took it a little too seriously...in your eyes. 

I've been playing sports my whole life. At the early age of 4 or 5 my parents had me at the softball field, and it wasn't long until I was playing travel softball at 8 years old until I was 17 years old. I could not get enough of it. It was my passion, and I didn't want to stop playing the game because it was addictive. 

At age 9 my mom sent me to a Georgia Tech softball camp for pitching and catching. It might take you by a surprise (if you know me), but I went there to be a catcher. I thought pitching was for those girls who just wanted to stand in the circle behind the coach. I went to this camp with the intentions of learning how I could be the best catcher, but that quickly changed when they allowed us to try both. If I'm not mistaken (this was a long time ago), I was there to catch for one of my friends, and they let us switch positions and try the other role...that did it for me. When I felt the seams of that beautiful yellow ball grip my fingers, it was love at first spin. 

I can remember seeing my mom sitting on the side lines overlooking the camp, and I could not wait to tell her that I wanted to be a pitcher. We left that day, and the next thing I knew I'm taking pitching lessons, pitching in the yard, watching Jennie Finch's videos, watching TV with a glove and a ball practicing my release point, and becoming so fascinated by the art of pitching. When the Women's College World Series came on each year, I would steal the remote and not give it back.

Fast-forward through all of the softball tournaments across the states of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida where my family was forced to get up really early, drive for hours, stay late at the ball fields (I mean late...), and spend their hard earned money. I started to realize that I took this game and pitching so serious that I could sense others being like "chill, Savanna." I just loved the game so much, and I wanted others to realize that too. I wanted them to see the JOY in this game and  experience that JOY too. I would get frustrated because others didn't take it as serious as me, and I just wanted them to see it the same light as me. 

Until its their own, they will not understand your passion. You cannot force someone to see your passion with your eyes, but don't let that hinder your journey. 

I'll be real. This wasn't easy to understand. I'm still trying to understand it. 
In the same way, God showed me that as "on fire" for the Lord as I was, I couldn't force anyone to choose Jesus or see Jesus in the same way as me. I was placed on the field to positively influence and love them as they are. As I've grown in my relationship with Jesus and felt a new freedom that will forever be the anthem of my life, I'm beginning to understand that just because others don't see what I see as serious doesn't make it not serious. It's still serious. It still has value according to His word. 

One piece of advice that I can give is love your passion, but don't get frustrated when others don't love it too. No person is going to understand you completely, except for Jesus. He knows you fully. He understands your weird passions, and He wants to use them for His good and His glory. There is purpose behind the things that you find joy in. Don't get discouraged if others find it silly. You were "fearfully and wonderfully made" with all your quirks and interests. How will we use those interests and passions to honor God? That's the ultimate quest. In order to understand we must seek His wisdom. 

~Proverbs 2:6~
"For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding..." 

Ultimately your passion from God may not be something that others ever understand. It honestly may even sound bonkers in your own mind when you think about it, but God will never lead you astray. He will set your feet on solid ground. He will use those passions to shine light in this world. We just have to be willing to learn and be led. We have to be teachable and listen and mediate over His word. It says in Psalm 143:10, "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!" 

When you know who it is for, there is full joy in the journey. 

Keep going. Keep sharing the gospel through your passions. Find people who are passionate about the same things. Stick together. Love people like Jesus despite your differences. Find joy in it all. 

~ Psalm 16:11 ~

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of  joy; at your riht hand are pleasures forevermore." 


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