
God Met Me In Dunkin' Donuts

Yes, it happened again. God met me where I was...just like He always does.  I was sitting at a table at Dunkin' Donuts catching up on some Bible reading for the Chronological plan I am doing with some friends, and I noticed a young boy with glasses staring at me (how cute!). I continued reading and taking some notes...the next thing I knew he was standing next to my table and began to start a conversation with me.  It started with, "Hi there. How are you doing? I saw you reading your Bible. What are you reading?"  I told him that my friends and I are reading through the Bible chronologically and we are working our way through 2 Chronicles right now.  He was intrigued and continued asking me about myself with questions like, "Are you from Rock Hill? What do you like to do for fun? Do you go to church around here? and more." I told him that I was a student at Winthrop and I am working with young Chinese students at a summer camp right now.  Th

Kindness Still Matters -- Fight For It.

There's moments when I feel like, "What is the point anymore?"  ~ Psalm 119:136 ~  "My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law."  I see blank faces with glazed eyes making vile choices towards another people. I see a mother going to the uttermost financial lengths to keep a reputation for her family and daughter. I see people slandering other people on the news. I see parents hurting their children, and I see children hurting their parents. I see bullies bullying people for their looks, possessions, and status. I see so many things that make me just want to throw in the towel. If this is all it will be, then why do we even try? Why do we waste our breath to say, "Thank you, have a nice day" if they are just going to turn away before we can even begin to speak? Why do we intentionally hold the door if they don't even acknowledge us? Why do we forgive people and overlook the bad things they say behind our backs?

Who is it for?

I'm that girl who took it a little too your eyes.  I've been playing sports my whole life. At the early age of 4 or 5 my parents had me at the softball field, and it wasn't long until I was playing travel softball at 8 years old until I was 17 years old. I could not get enough of it. It was my passion, and I didn't want to stop playing the game because it was addictive.    At age 9 my mom sent me to a Georgia Tech softball camp for pitching and catching. It might take you by a surprise (if you know me), but I went there to be a catcher. I thought pitching was for those girls who just wanted to stand in the circle behind the coach. I went to this camp with the intentions of learning how I could be the best catcher, but that quickly changed when they allowed us to try both. If I'm not mistaken (this was a long time ago), I was there to catch for one of my friends, and they let us switch positions and try the other role...that did it for me. W

When The World Doesn't Choose You...

 I was sitting in the Dacus Library at Winthrop when I started working on my reflection for a class. I began to type out my response to a question on the desktop computer when I found myself typing out, "You don't have to be chosen by them because you are chosen by me. "  Even when I am not focused on Him, He is focused on me...always. It was the weirdest thing because I wasn't even thinking in that moment about God (absolute truth).  I wasn't reading my Bible, praying, or listening to my "Jesus Jams" playlist on Spotify. I was working on homework, and my mind was set on finishing these lesson plans and reading reflections that keep piling up one after the other. --Reality.  If I am being honest, I have been in a spiritual slump. You know exactly what I am talking about. It's when you feel like God is NO WHERE to be found, but you KNOW in your soul that He is so near. Your faith in Him surpasses those lies that say, "God left you and

God Met Me in Walmart.

If anyone struggles with depression and anxiety, it definitely is not a joke. I can laugh and say “I am depressed”, but in reality it is actually me screaming from the inside out that I feel so alone and confused. For a really long time, I have been stuck in a very dry and draining season of my life. It feels like I am drinking salt water without knowing it. My soul desires for living water, but it keeps getting deceived by salt water. At 20 years old, I have never felt more like a sojourner then right now. This in-between season of life is so hard. You have graduated the teenage phase, moved on from high school, and your parents’ house, but you do not have a career, full time job with a steady income, or a place to call your own. You feel stuck. You feel like every decision you make is the wrong one. This has been me for a while. When you are isolated like this, the devil makes his move. He enters your mind to kill, steal, and destroy your every good thought about life. He wants

Sister, Don't Settle For Less.

Sister,  When will you realize that parts of your body is not for others to see?  I think that our society tells us that in order to get the "likes" on Instagram, we have to stick our body parts out and flaunt what was intended to be a secret garden. Yes, a secret garden. Song of Soloman Chapter 4 verse 12 says: "You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain." Most of us have gone through True Love Waits...maybe because our parents wanted us too, but did we ever think about what God wanted us to do? God designed us to be secret gardens to embody His own pureness and beautiful being.  It breaks my heart to scroll on social media outlets and see my fellow sisters and friends exploiting their natural beauty with extensive makeup and vulgar outfits that don't represent the purity of God's love and affection for us.  If you read Song of Solomon (other translations may be Song of Songs), you w

11 Reasons Why You Are Going To Be Okay.

Let's be is hard.  Life was not meant to be a straight path that comes with no pain or suffering. It is a life of hills and valleys, and when we find ourself in a valley, our thoughts, speech, and actions are not always of God  or for God. When God is all we can think about, those valleys will seem so small. When we desire a relationship with Him, those pits of sin will never be able to hold us down. God is the daily joy that we have and can relish in. Here's 11 reasons why you're going to be okay. You are not alone. You are redeemed. You are strong through Jesus. You have worth. You are not broken or beat down too much for Jesus. You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the Earth.  You are a temple and dwelling place. You are apart of Christ's body. You are a citizen of Heaven.  You are loved and cared for.  Whatever you need today you will find only in Jesus Christ. Realize that God sees more in you than you c