It's okay to be picky...

"The one" is on the way.

Don't date just to date. 

In this world, many people look down on the men and women that don't "date" a lot of people. There is nothing wrong with that. What these people do not know is that we are guarding our hearts from heart break after heart break. When people date a new person every month, their hearts are being opened up to the possibility of destruction. Think about it this way...God molded your heart in His hands in a ideal way that could only intertwine with the heart of your husband or wife. This kind of love you share with your significant other is very different from the kind of love you would show your sibling, so it's important to not deal out this special love to just anyone and everyone. Do not feel bad for being the single girl of your friend group. Your time will come; be patient. 

Your dating pool might shrink.

If you're trusting God, then your dating pool might shrink. I know this from personal experience. Don't get mad or upset about it, but think of it as God saving you from many bozos or crazy girls who are a waste of your time. Men and women who are immature and incapable of understanding what a true relationship with God in the center is supposed to be like get caught up in the physical aspects of the relationship instead of the emotional part. Too many people today are only interested in the "hook up" and a temporary affair. You have to let them go. Even if they are the most popular guy or girl that everyone is dying to be with, you have to let them go. Continue to stand strong in your faith because it is important to stay pure physically and mentally. If your dating pool shrinks because you are confident in yourself and your choices to stay authentic, you're going to be okay. The sun will rise tomorrow! It's not the end of the world.

Pray and be patient. 

The most important thing you can do is pray. Pray that God will send you a Godly man or woman who loves you for more than your appearance, financial status, and social status. Pray that God will instill a peace of mind that will help you go about each day in a confident and bold way. Start working on yourself, and make you the best you. Search for God's heart before you start searching for another man or woman's. ---Ladies, become the Proverbs 31 woman that God has created you to be. Seek to be a woman of noble character. God looks at you and inspects your character, not your outer beauty. ---Men, be the man of God your future wife deserves. God weighs your heart, so be pure and right. Listen quickly and speak slowly. ---So, be in constant prayer for your future spouse. He or she is going through the trials of life and the hard times of relationships too. Pray that they will stand behind Christ as His soldiers. Like the old saying..."Good things come to those who wait." Godly relationships are not built in a day...they take time. 


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