
Showing posts from August, 2016

Finding My Identity

Who do I identify with? One of the hardest things in life is finding yourself and who you are meant to be, and if you do not know who you are, it's tough to find people to relate to. Identity is apart of our daily lives even if we do not realize it. ---For example, to get into your dorm building, you have to have your "ID card"...or even think about it this way. At birth, we are given a social security number. This is how our state and great country, USA, identifies us; we are just a row of numbers. In sports, you have a number on the back or front of your jersey. This is how the referees and score keepers identify you. Don't you want to be more than that? I do. I am.  A new perspective... Today, a new perspective on who I am as a person occurred to me during our Sunday service here at Winthrop. In the book of Luke, Luke, a doctor and Gentile Christian wanted the Gentiles to hear the true details about the life of Jesus. In chapter 4, Luke talks about Jesus&#

3 Reasons Why I'm A Christian

The word "Christianity" did not make me a Christian; Jesus Christ's love for me did.  I grew up in a "Christian" home. You know, going to church every Sunday and Wednesday, praying at every meal, and attending VBS in the summers. I was in the perfect position to become a Christian, and I did at the age of 7. I was so thrilled to finally be a Christian. I was excited to go to church, and God had given me this passion for Him, but that thrill started to fade when the world showed me that it was not a fan of Christianity.  Baptismal at 7 years old Because I was so young, when bad things started to occur in my life, I let the world steal my happiness, and I fell into a deep trap of the world's lies. I allowed the world to make me doubt my delight and satisfaction I had with God at 7 years old.---At 7 years old, you don't have a worry in the world, but as you grow older, our human nature brings doubt to the surface. I doubted the glory and peace of

The Baby Eagle: You're the marrying type.

The Baby Eagle: You're the marrying type. : I spent years waiting and watching... I thought it was my fault. Everyday, during middle and high school, I looked in the mirror an...

You're the marrying type.

I spent years waiting and watching... I thought it was my fault. Everyday, during middle and high school, I looked in the mirror and thought, "What can I do differently today that I haven't done yet? How can I do my hair different? Will he like it curly or straight? Is this shirt tight enough? Will he notice my efforts? Will he notice me at all?"---In those years, I watched all of my friends find boys and enter the world of love, but I was not included. I spent nights crying over boys that didn't even know I existed. You may think that this is so cliche, but it's true. Girls spend majority of their time thinking about what they can do to impress the opposite sex. We try everything from a new hair cut, a new hair color, new clothes, or even a new personality. We will totally change who we are just to get them to turn their heads. I thought it was my fault that the boys didn't like me in "that way"...What did I not have that the other girls ha

A little bit of chocolate and a whole lot of Jesus.

There are days where I feel like everyone and everything is against me. How about you? I wake up, and an overwhelming feeling of desolation and disappointment fills my mind and soul. I find myself acting discouraged over everything. For example, I act depressed hair is not doing what I want it to face starts to break friends don't include me...or my mom bought the wrong type of pop tarts at the grocery store (LOL). When we are in a slump, we let our surroundings control our mood and happiness. We have to stop allowing that to happen. So far, in my 18 years of life, I have found two things that help me rise above my depression: JESUS Chocolate We cannot change what has happened to us. Just like you cannot take back or change the amount of calories you just took in by eating that big slice of chocolate cake (have no regrets), you cannot change the struggles you have been going through. Know that God puts us in situations and trials to show us