
Showing posts from 2017

Sister, Don't Settle For Less.

Sister,  When will you realize that parts of your body is not for others to see?  I think that our society tells us that in order to get the "likes" on Instagram, we have to stick our body parts out and flaunt what was intended to be a secret garden. Yes, a secret garden. Song of Soloman Chapter 4 verse 12 says: "You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain." Most of us have gone through True Love Waits...maybe because our parents wanted us too, but did we ever think about what God wanted us to do? God designed us to be secret gardens to embody His own pureness and beautiful being.  It breaks my heart to scroll on social media outlets and see my fellow sisters and friends exploiting their natural beauty with extensive makeup and vulgar outfits that don't represent the purity of God's love and affection for us.  If you read Song of Solomon (other translations may be Song of Songs), you w

11 Reasons Why You Are Going To Be Okay.

Let's be is hard.  Life was not meant to be a straight path that comes with no pain or suffering. It is a life of hills and valleys, and when we find ourself in a valley, our thoughts, speech, and actions are not always of God  or for God. When God is all we can think about, those valleys will seem so small. When we desire a relationship with Him, those pits of sin will never be able to hold us down. God is the daily joy that we have and can relish in. Here's 11 reasons why you're going to be okay. You are not alone. You are redeemed. You are strong through Jesus. You have worth. You are not broken or beat down too much for Jesus. You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the Earth.  You are a temple and dwelling place. You are apart of Christ's body. You are a citizen of Heaven.  You are loved and cared for.  Whatever you need today you will find only in Jesus Christ. Realize that God sees more in you than you c

Two Peas In A Pod

Without a doubt, each one of my days on Earth start with a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. When reading “The Sacred Arts of Life” by Thomas Moore, in HMXP class, I saw myself in this reading. Many people do not understand that coffee and Jesus are not just things in my life I do every day, they are a part of my daily ritual. It’s easy for one to see these two things as cliché, since many posters and pictures have these two objects woven together in quotes, but for me, I cannot go a day without them.   This is the very reason why I decided to create my own art piece that describes my personal sacred ritual. In my reality, coffee and Jesus go together like two peas in a pod, and they are sacred arts of life in my book.             Before I begin creating this art piece, it was vital that I knew why each piece mattered to me. To start, coffee is a liquid dark colored drink created by brewed roasted beans from a coffee plant, but this end result is not sacred to me; i

My Prayer Today.

Father, I am a broken soul running to every outlet to bind my wounds...except you. My first instinct is to find an Earthly fix...not you. My heart flutters when I see "that guy/girl"...but not you. My eyes look for answers but they look right over you.  Why am I in pursuit of the world's next best answer instead of your one true solution? When did I forget that you are seated higher above all? How did I forget that you are my father and that you hold me in your arms? It's been too long since I truly thought of you as God, the uttermost high King! My thoughts have belittled you to just the "man up stairs." I've stopped thinking about you as the Great I Am. Remind me that you are bigger than anything I face, and at the mention of your name, my problems run away. You speak and something happens. You are the Alpha and the Omega.  “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Rev. 22:13 Remind me of w

The Perfect Utopia

My utopia is... ...the heaven that is promised to me by God. Everything it is represents a pure depiction of my utopia.  As I walk on the streets of gold beside my one true friend and Lord, Jesus, I see and feel pure joy. I hear the sounds of the saints’ beautiful voices and the noises of the animals lifting up praise to God, exalting his name. My focus has changed. I now can purely focus on the simple things, like hearing my foot steps and God’s powerful yet gentle voice speak to me.  My utopia is love. There is no separation of classes by skin color or financial status; we are one in the eyes of God. We are his children. There is no evil. We live in the perfection and holiness of God.  I feel God’s love. I feel Jesus holding me; his physical pierced hands grab mine, and I feel him reach out to me. I see God’s throne. I now can understand his dominion and perfect character. The blinders escape from my eyes and I see his glory. I see the sun shine down on the one true

You Can't Have Both.

Brother and Sister, what is it? --- What is it that keeps you up at night...that makes you feel hideous and awful? What is it that you just cannot overcome? Is it sex, drugs, or alcohol?...Yea, they are the overused sins that people talk about, but they are REAL, and they may be real struggles in your life. Is it pornography, lustful thoughts, or your "fear of missing out" that makes you say YES to the things that rid you of your soul? Matthew 16:26 "And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?"   Is it the desire to feel wanted, so you give everything to the next girl or guy that shows a tiny bit of interest in you? Listen, that "interest" he or she shows will NEVER suffice to the interest Christ has for you. What is better than Him? Nothing. ---- This topic is not easy for a lot of people to face because they are ashamed or they think that their sin is not that big of a

The Baby Eagle: He Smiles.

The Baby Eagle: He Smiles. : Do you ever wonder what God is doing, like at this moment? I constantly ask myself that question mostly because God is fascinating, and I&#3...

He Smiles.

Do you ever wonder what God is doing, like at this moment? I constantly ask myself that question mostly because God is fascinating, and I'm nosey. There is so much to Him that I haven't discovered yet, but each day I strive to know more. What is God feeling when He looks at me? What is He thinking? Every time I ask these questions, I cannot help but see an image of God smiling. Sister, God smiles when He sees you and when He thinks of you. Brother, God smiles when He sees you and when He thinks of you. Do not doubt His love and passion for you. He smiles because you are His, and He is proud of you. You are serving a great God who gives you the strength to face every day with a humble heart and a determined spirit during the hard times. God smiles when He hears your prayer because you are special to Him. It's so awesome to know that you are cared for, even when the world fails you.  You should smile too. Find joy in the small things. God wants us to be happy and